Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Who Is Graham Fuller? Gulen, Fuller CIA and Boston Bombers connection


  1. CIA DOES A BANG UP JOB ON DESTABILIZING REGIONS ALL OVER THE GLOBE. No surprise then to know that Bostonians on the day of the bombings are probably viewed as 'collaterol damage' in CIA's quest to rearrange the pawns/countries on the table. No big surprise we have goons in high places who believe that Islam is better than Mom, Apple Pie and the American flag, so they will do what they must to push their perverted, pathetic psychopathy onto the rest of us. JUst like with Benghazi we know Chris was killed but MSM won't give you the real scoop. MSM sucks
    ..we are sooo screwed with the growing plans of the trojan horse/govt..and now bama recently passed an order that 10,000 Saudis a week will be granted Visas to enter the US...pray tell, why the hell do we need them in our country...
    why do we need these 10,000 a week over 52 the math kiddies. With 50 states in the US that means an average of 10,000 ragheads per state..we already know the moe brohood is firmly ensconced in the white house...bama already told us if things come down in the US, he will side with the moes...Bama wears his ring with arabic enscribed, "allah is great". Huma/Hillary's right hand gal is part of the moe brohood..Huma's husband, Wiener with the weiner is either totally blind to it all, or part of the insanity. All in all, the next five years should be super exciting when the masses of asses wake up and see what OTHERS who pull the puppets strings are all up too...who is going to need reality tv when the real shiittee hits the streets?

  2. Thank you for posting this video..not sure I captured correctly just exactly how Gulen fits into this scenario..that is, how connected to Fuller/Marathon killers and now an uncle that seems to have morphed into something more than just their uncle. A little enlighment would be appreciated if you could spell more clearly Gulen's role!

  3. Graham Fuller is the ex CIA and master planner of using a perceived softer side of Islam to de stabilize Russia and China. Gulen and his merry band of thieves are a great distraction to radical Islam in ex soviet countries like Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, etc. fuller and Gulen are buddies. Tamerlane the Boston bomber attended Schools in Turkey...where many are taught militization. There is no coincidence her, Uncle Ruslan is also familiar with Gulen and their role with the CIA.
