Monday, March 25, 2013

Gulen School in Ethiopia opens dormitory

The ground breaking ceremony of a new 150-bed capacity high school dormitory for Ethiopian-Turkish schools’ Alem Gena campus was held in Ethiopia.

In addition to Turkish businessmen residents of Ethiopia, Turkish Ambassador to Addis Ababa Kenan Ipek was in attendance at the ceremony. Ipek said “What distinguishes us from other nations is that we do not seek self-interest but sharing, just like what we witness here today.”

The ground breaking of the building followed the remarks. Afterwards, Ambassador Ipek planted a tree in the soon-to-be dormitory’s yard. The construction financed by Turkish businessmen and entirely supervised by Turkish engineers is planned to be completed by July 2013.

NOTE: This school was financed and constructed by Turkish businessmen (aka TUSKON)  and only by Turkish engineers.  They plan on staying in Christian Ethiopia long enough to rape the land and destroy the Christian population. 

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